Rationale for modeling and modeling tools
From BIOL 300 Wiki
Understanding a biological system
What does it mean to understand something?
- Description
- Prediction
- Control
- Example: Weather forecasting
- The latest Doppler radar
- A theoretical description that captures broad principles but can also be applied in many specific instances.
- For example, physical laws
- Newton’s laws of motion
- Einstein's General Theory of Relativity
- For example, physical laws
- Simplifications possible in many physical systems:
- Can separate one "layer" of description from another
- For example: center of mass of a ball is sufficient to describe its trajectory in response to an applied force; can initially ignore its molecular composition
- Can separate one "layer" of description from another
- What is the reason that it is difficult to do this for biological systems?
- Multiple levels of description:
- Molecular level
- Cellular level
- Organ level
- Organismal level
- Population level
- Example: Sickle cell anemia
- Single mutation, changes a glutamic acid to a valine (a different amino acid)
- Under low oxygen conditions, the hemoglobin aggregates, causing red blood cells to take on a sickle shape
- Having a double dose of the mutation is lethal; a single dose improves resistance to malaria, so the mutation persists
- Note that understanding the disease requires understanding the system at the molecular, cellular, organismal and population levels
- Example: Sickle cell anemia
- Variability
- This is an intrinsic feature of biological systems.
- Darwin's revolution: variation is the signal, not noise; there is no such thing as an "ideal" species.
- This variation makes it hard to be sure that a description of an "average" individual captures essential information.
- For example, in the future, medical treatments may be tailored to a particular individual.
- Differential Penetrance
- Sometimes, small changes can have a major impact.
- At other times, large changes can have very little impact.
- Physical example: predict whether adding a grain of sand to a sand pile will trigger an avalanche or not.
- Importance of mechanistic and "level crossing" models
- Multiple levels of description:
Rationale for modeling biological systems
- Why bother making a model if you can do an experiment?
- Mastering complexity
- Imagine a ball on a spring hanging from the ceiling, and assume that it is initially at rest
- What would happen if you pulled the ball down?
- We can "run this experiment in our heads"
- Now imagine that the room was filled with balls and springs, all interconnected
- Could you predict what would happen next?
- If a system is sufficiently complicated, may not be able to "run it in your head"; models become critical
- Note the vital role that modeling plays in engineering disciplines - designing a plane, a space ship, or a bridge
- Resource limitations
- May not be feasible to run an experiment (time, cost, number of subject);
- A model allows us to try many "what if" scenarios much more quickly
- Ethical considerations
- Cannot determine infectiveness of an agent by infecting a population of people; but can explore this in a model
Approaches to modeling biological systems
- Importance and value of qualitative understanding
- Value: "A feeling for the organism"; deep insights into how it works, basis for design of ingenious experiments
- Limitations of qualitative approach: No quantitative predictions; may be possible to "fudge" explanations, especially if values are close
- Importance and value of quantitative understanding
- Ability to predict outcome of specific experiments (example of placebo effect - is effect significant or not?)
- Limitations: Problem if model is as complicated as original system
- Importance and value of mathematical understanding
- Ability to prove theorems; broad application to any phenomenon with the same underlying mathematical structure
- Limitations of mathematical approach: analytical tractability may require sacrifice of details that matter for quantitative predictions about an actual system
Modeling tools
- Programming languages
- Pro: Full control
- Con: Overhead for setting up interface
- General purpose modeling tools
- Examples: Matlab, Mathematica, Maple
- Pro: Useful built-ins; can prototype quickly; platform independence
- Con: May be slower than programming language
- Special purpose modeling tools
- Pro: These tools make it very easy to set up simulations in specific area
- Cons: May be harder to modify; May be extremely hard to use it for something it was not designed to do
Publication of a Model Developed in Dynamics of Biological Systems
- Priscilla Ambrosi took the course in Spring 2012.
- She chose to replicate a model of embryonic development in Drosophila.
- She was working in Dr. Claudia Mizutani's lab, and Dr. Mizutani realized that the model could help studies of embryonic size in different Drosophila species.
- Priscilla therefore extended the model so that it could deal with the different geometries of different species of embryos.
- She found that features of the Toll signaling gradient interacted with the cell numbers and sizes to generate the different sized embryos.
- Priscilla's paper can be found here.