Wiki Todo list

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Release 1.2 Syllabus complete


  • As a user, I would like to be able to fill out a form certifying that I've filled out a course evaluation (est 1/4).
  • As a user, I would like to be able to fill out the rubric for the final term paper (est 1).
  • As an instructor, I would like to be able to add points to benchmarks with a single click (est 2) (after surveys are done)
  • As an instructor, I would like to be confident that we can easily recover from a server crash (est 1) (e.g. retest restore scripts and failing over to a server snapshot on a different machine)


  • Remove grade from points page to avoid confusing students (est 1)
  • As an instructor, I would like the points page to be sorted by team (est 1)
  • As a user, I would like to be able to fill out the rubric for a published paper to reconstruct (est 1/2).
  • As a user, I would like to be able to fill out the rubric for submitting a term paper proposal (est 1/2).

Release 1.1: Preparing for class



  • As an an instructor, I would like to be able to see what time a student has filled out a survey. (est 2)
  • As a user, I should be able to take surveys as late as 10pm Thursday nights. (est 0)
  • As a user, I would like to be able to click on the surveys on the syllabus and have them link to the survey page (est 0)
  • As a user, I would like to be able to click on something on the wiki main page to see my points in the course (est 0)
  • As a user, I would like to be able to click on the chapters in the syllabus to download the matching mathematica notebooks. (est 0)
  • As a developer, I would like to be able to test changes on a development server so that I don't break the live server. (est 4)


<pLines colors=0000ff,000000 plots=open ymax=10 ymin=0> 2012-01-13,6 2012-01-16,6 2012-01-17,7.25 2012-01-17-classtime,0 </pLines>

Release 1: (functionality from last year) date driven (for 2012-01-13T16:30Z meeting)



  • As an instructor, I would like to be able to upload large Mathematica notebooks (100 MB). (est: 0)
  • As an user I would like to be able to use the old django code (est: 2)
  • As a user, I should not see my runner moving unless the instructor has given me points. (est: 2)
  • As a user, I would like to be able to log into the wiki using the CAS system (est: 4)
  • (Added 2012-01-12) As a user, I would like to see the correct dates associated with surveys. (est: 1)
  • (Added 2012-01-13) As a user, I would like to see some basic artwork for the logo and favicon. (est: 1)


<pLines colors=0000ff,000000 plots=open ymax=10 ymin=0> 2012-01-10,8 2012-01-11,6 2012-01-12,4 2012-01-13,0 </pLines>

Release 2: Getting racetrack and points tracking running in PhP

  • As a instructor I would like to see the progress of all of the students in the class within mediawiki (est 16)
  • As an instructor, I would like to be able to easily update a student's progress in the course within mediawiki (e.g. checking a checkbox to mark that a benchmark is done) (est 8)
  • As a user, I would like to see my progress in the class (e.g. a racetrack) within mediawiki (est 4)

Release 3: Getting team surveys in PhP

  • As a student, I would to like to receive an email when a new survey opens.
  • As an instructor, I would like to be able to design concept exams
  • As an instructor, I would like to be able to export the results from concept exams
  • As an instructor, I would like to be able to export blinded results from attitude questionnaires.
  • As an student, I would like to be able to take concept exams within mediawiki
  • As a student, I would like to be able to rate my team withing mediawiki
  • As an instructor, I would like to be able to review all student's team ratings
  • As a user, I would like to see a status of whether I'm in the green, yellow, or red on my term project.
  • Disabling or removing matplotlib?
  • As an instructor, I would like to be able to easily lock a set of pages so that I can lock the pages when benchmarks are due.



  • As an instructor, I would to be able to set surveys to automatically open and close at specific times.
  • As an instructor, I would like to be able to keep notes on teams and students that are not visible to students.
  • As an instructor, I would like to be able to assign students to teams within mediawiki
  • As a user, I would like the wiki to warn me if I upload a file with the wrong extension for its contents.
  • As an instructor, I would like to be able to indicate whether a team is in the green, yellow, or red.
  • As an instructor, I would like to be able to create pages for each user based on a template.
  • As a new instructor I would like to have a list of instructions on how to do common tasks on the wiki.
  • As a user, I would like to have an upload area that only me, and my team mates, and the instructor can access, so I can easily transfer my notebook between computers. (Maybe)


  • As a user, I should be able to have the server email me
  • As an anonymous user, I should not be able to edit the wiki
  • As a user, I should not be able to edit pages without being an approved wikieditor